No matter what you feel, take your direction from your astrology guide and be honest with yourself, don't believe everything, and don't refuse everything. All our articles are taken from Astrology com

Edited by |Jus Mcmahon
Variety section
3 April 2023


Luckily, today’s cosmic energy sings a sweet tune, Aries. Mental Mercury, the planet of connection and communication, is linked in a benevolent dance known as a sextile with Saturn, the planet of longevity and permanence. Use this energy to think more clearly and effectively about what you want in your relationships for the long term. Discuss where you stand and how you can work toward your significant personal or romantic goals as a team. Making a promise now that you truly believe in may allow it to stand the test of time. Draw up your strategy and know what each of you wants.


Your words can make a difference today, dear Taurus, as Mercury and Saturn, join forces overhead. Don't be afraid to speak frankly about topics that are important to you, especially when it comes to community improvement and elevating humanity. These vibes are also perfect for refining your public image. So, be sure to review your online profiles. Embrace solitude later in the afternoon when the Aries sun and Chiron align, providing you with an opportunity toheal if you take time for introspection. Look for ways to support your overall health as the Libra full moon graces our skies this evening.


Mercury, your planetary ruler, blows a kiss to Saturn this morning, helping you find order by outsmarting any obstacles or messes in your path. Lean into your life experiences and natural intellect right now, as doing so will help pave the way toward success. Consider investing in your neighborhood later in the day when the Aries sun cozies up to Chiron, greeting your neighbors with warmth and taking care to shop locally. A playful energy will find you as the Libra full moon rises this evening. So, be sure to indulge in your favorite activities with your favorite people.


The cosmos will bustle with activity today, dear Cancer, bringing a busy yet sustainable energy to the table. Luckily, a sweet alliance between Mercury and Saturn will help anchor your thoughts and spirit, allowing you to draw boundaries without offending the people around you. Take a moment to reflect on your relationship with success later in the afternoon when the Aries sun and Chiron align, helping you tap into your ambition without putting unrealistic or grueling expectations on yourself. The Libra full moon will grace our skies this evening, blessing your home with airy and romantic energy.


Consider reaching out to your spiritual community this morning, dearest Lion, as Mercury and Saturn share a sweet exchange overhead. This cosmic climate will accentuate the invisible threat that connects us all, especially when you seek out kindred spirits. Opportunities to heal on a soul level will manifest later in the day when the Aries sun and Chiron align, marking the perfect excuse to invest in meditation and your higher power. Your mind will brim with brilliant ideas this evening as the Libra full moon rises, especially when you allow yourself to indulge in romantic notions, art, and beauty.


You'll be in a unique position to forge solid soul connections today, dear Virgo, as Mercury and Saturn join forces overhead. Use this energy to invest in your most important relationships, and don't be afraid to delve into uncharted conversational waters while still exercising healthy boundaries. Opportunities to let go of that which no longer serves you will come to fruition later this afternoon as the Aries sun and Chiron align in the sector of your chart that governs transformation. Look for opportunities to indulge your senses later tonight when the full moon rises, harnessing the pleasures of our material realm.



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