21 March 2023 - HOROSCOPE

 This is a majestic world, a wonderful life, wonderful moments, and perfect knowledge to know your forecast for the day, week, month, and year... here you can discover yourself. please note that all of our horoscope articles are part of astrology.com

Edited by | Juls Mcmahon
Variety new section - CJ editor
20, March 2023- New York


Your mind may lag a bit when you awaken this morning, dear Aries, as the Pisces moon squares off with Mars. Try moving your body if you have trouble focusing, though Pluto will step in to help you find structure in the day by the time you're set to clock in. You'll sense a shift when Luna enters your sign, helping you reconnect with endurance and heightened energy levels. The new moon will grace our skies by midmorning, marking the perfect excuse to have a quiet moment with the other side, making any special birthday wishes you hope to manifest as Aries season commences.


Don't feel like you have to keep up with others this morning, dear Taurus, as the Pisces moon squares off with Mars. Though frustrations may bubble to the surface if you feel left behind, moving at your own pace will ultimately get you ahead. Consider tapping into your spiritual side as Pluto becomes active overhead, opening you up to messages from beyond. You'll sense a shift when Luna migrates into Aries, putting you in a more private and quiet mood as the new moon rises overhead. Use this energy to set an intention around any cycles that need breaking, trusting that the universe will assist in such endeavors.


The pressure of your responsibilities could make it difficult to find beauty in the present this morning, dear Gemini, due to a harsh square between the Pisces moon and Mars. Luckily, you'll have a chance to shake off these funky vibes when Pluto becomes active overhead, though you may need to set better boundaries with yourself. You'll sense a shift as Luna migrates into Aries, gearing up for today's new moon, which is poised to liven up your social life. Plan on connecting with like-minded individuals as the moon and Mercury align this evening, pushing you to embrace a sense of community.


Try not to let fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams this morning, dear Cancer, as the Pisces moon squares off with Mars. This cosmic climate could also trigger irritability and internal frustrations, though communing with your higher power will allow you to reclaim serenity. You'll sense a shift once Luna migrates into fiery Aries, reigniting your hunger for success. Harness the power of today's new moon by recommitting to your goals, especially where professional endeavors are concerned. Don't be afraid to set boundaries this evening, when the moon and Venus join forces in your solar tenth house.


Avoid the temptation to doom scroll your social media feeds this morning, dearest Leo, as the Pisces moon squares off with Mars. This celestial exchange could cause you to sacrifice precious hours to your screens, dropping your personal motivation in the process. Your mind and soul will begin to elevate as Luna migrates into Aries, gearing up for today's new moon. This lunation will act as one of the most sacred and supportive moments of the year, so be sure to charge up your crystals, light a few candles, and communicate with your higher power, expressing gratitude while asking for aid where it is needed.


Watch out for tension within romantic and professional spheres this morning, dear Virgo, as the Pisces moon squares off with aggressive Mars. Luckily, you'll have a chance to laugh off drama and lean into love, thanks to a sweet alliance between Luna and Pluto. The energy will shift as the Aries's new moon manifests, asking you to focus on your soul's evolution and how you might transform throughout the next six months. Use this energy to set intentions that can help you discover yourself in more meaningful ways, though your relationships are bound to intensify and deepen as well.


Disorganization could cause you to lose faith in your dreams this morning, dearest Libra, due to a harsh square between the Pisces moon and Mars. Though obstacles may appear from time to time, moving methodically while believing in your cause will allow you to overcome such hurdles. Love will fill the air once Luna migrates into the sector of your chart that governs matters of the heart, and the new moon is sure to bring heat to your romantic entanglements. Your words will carry sweetness later tonight when the moon aligns with Mercury, so be sure to get some flirting in.


Watch out for power trips as the morning kicks off, dearest Scorpio, the Pisces moon squares off with aggressive Mars. Avoid anyone you have a competitive relationship with, and stay away from touchy topics that could trigger arguments. Luckily, Pluto will step in to help you reclaim clarity, though you'll need to direct your focus toward more positive matters. You'll sense a shift as Luna enters Aries, gearing up for the new moon, which will ask you to recommit to healthy living and personal organization. Consider seeking advice from a peer this evening, when the moon aligns with Mercury.


It may be difficult to grab hold of your emotions this morning, dearest Archer, as the Pisces moon squares off with Mars. This cosmic climate could trigger agitation, especially if you're feeling undervalued or disappointed in matters of the heart. Luckily, Pluto will step in to help you reclaim your center, and nature will seem particularly therapeutic. The vibe will elevate as Luna migrates into Aries, gearing up for today's new moon. The energy at play can help elevate your confidence and sense of self, especially if you devote some time and focus to creative interests and passion projects.


Messages may creep in from beyond the veil as you sleep, darling Capricorn, while the Pisces moon cozies up to ethereal Neptune. Take a moment to journal any profound experiences you had while dreaming, looking for guidance or support from the universe. Staying on task may feel difficult when Luna squares off with Mars, especially if you're struggling to stay organized. You'll sense a shift when the moon enters Aries, activating the sector of your chart that governs domestic bliss while putting you in a supportive and helpful mood. Fill your home with love, laughter, and yummy food to honor today's new moon.


Give yourself a pep talk this morning, sweet Aquarius or a harsh square between the Pisces moon and Mars could leave you feeling unsteady. Remember that it's okay to have both good and bad days, but perseverance and confidence come from within. Your curious and social nature will blossom by midmorning when the moon migrates into Aries, gearing up for today's new moon. Use the energy of this lunation to set intentions around the acquisition of new knowledge, challenging yourself to nurture your mind throughout the next six months. Luckily, processing new material will come easily this evening, as Luna and Mercury align overhead.


It may be challenging to stir from your slumber this morning, dear Pisces, as the moon and Mars form a harsh square overhead. Try your hardest to stay motivated, even if you have to bribe yourself to get moving. The energy will shift as Luna migrates into fiery Aries, allowing you to feel alive in the present moment. Use the energy of today's new moon to set financial intentions for the next six months, vowing to create solid foundations for yourself. A curious and sensual vibe will take hold this evening, marking the perfect excuse to explore with your senses.



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