This is a majestic world, a wonderful life, wonderful moments, and perfect knowledge to know your forecast for the day, week, month, and year... here you can discover yourself. please note that all of our horoscope articles are part of

Edited by | Juls Mcmahon
Variety new section - CJ editor
16, March 2023- New York


Your emotions may feel a bit raw this morning, dear Libra, as the Capricorn moon crosses over profound Pluto. Don't be afraid to confront your feelings, as doing so will provide you with an opportunity to release what you no longer wish to carry. You'll begin to feel perkier once Luna migrates into Aquarius, pushing you to have fun, express yourself, and indulge friends. However, it'll be important that you pace yourself when Luna squares off with the nodes of fate, or you could begin to fall off center. Luckily, Venus and Saturn will step in to lend a hand, though you'll need to tap into your practical side.


You won't be in the mood to mince words this morning, dear Scorpio, as the Capricorn moon cozies up to empowering Pluto. Use this energy to articulate anything that needs to be said, even if doing so threatens to conjure tension. Try to find a balance between your head and heart once Luna moves into Aquarius, or your relationships could temporarily suffer. Luckily, Venus and Saturn will join forces later in the day to restore peace, though you may need to accept accountability if you offered anyone earlier in the day. Consider working on a creative project as evening settles in, nurturing your confidence via artistic expression.


Be smart with your money this morning, dear Archer, as the Capricorn moon and Pluto conspire to bring forth prosperity. Your focus will shift to the pursuit of knowledge and socialization once Luna makes her debut into quirky Aquarius, encouraging you to bond with the people around you. You may also feel a bit more curious than usual, though you could become overstimulated by details when the nodes of fate are activated later this afternoon. If you begin to feel as though your psyche is being drawn in too many directions, look for ways to ground your mind, body, and heart.


Let the boss that lives within you shine brightly this morning, dear Capricorn, as the moon and Pluto join forces in your sign. These vibes are perfect for drawing lines, cutting dead weight, and bulldozing the path that leads to your goals. However, you may need to slow down once Luna enters Aquarius, encouraging you to reconnect with your surroundings and the present moment. Don't get discouraged if you feel stuck later this afternoon, as Luna and the nodes of fate form a harsh t-square overhead. Good vibes will flow when Venus aligns with Saturn, marking the perfect occasion for creative expression.


A profound sense of release will bring your psyche to new depths this morning, dear Aquarius, thanks to a cosmic alliance between the Capricorn moon and transformative Pluto. These vibes are perfect for closing doors and opening new ones as Luna makes her debut into your sign. The stars will ask you to work extra hard for your dreams in the coming days, relying on your wit and charms to clear the path forward. Check in with your domestic budget later in the afternoon when Venus blows a kiss to Saturn, and consider updating your space if the funds are there.


You'll feel deeply connected to your community this morning, dear Pisces, with a fierce desire to cut out any people or situations that sully the peace. However, if you're hoping to elicit real change, it might be best to fly under the radar once Luna enters Aquarius and your solar twelfth house. Consider taking a beat for solitude later in the afternoon when a harsh t-square forms overhead, tapping in with your spirituality in order to find tranquility within our busy world. Sweet yet serious conversations may manifest as Venus blows a kiss to Saturn, though you'll need to let your guard down.



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