It's a wonderful world to live in however we have to know how to live and when we can take the right decision...your daily horoscope can help you through your knowledge of the planet's secrets that they like to tell you. All articles are sourced from astrology com

Edited by | Julia Graham
Variety new section - CJ editor
16, March 2023- New York


The energy will be emotionally charged for you this morning, dear Libra, as the Capricorn moon connects with Chiron, Jupiter, and Uranus. Choose to lean into the bright side of life, allowing your heart to open up to love, intimate exchange, and deep connections. Check-in with your sense of balance and mental health when Mercury cozies up to the sun and Neptune, taking care to actively release any stress or tension that's collected in your body. You'll sense a shift later in the day when Venus migrates into Taurus, pushing you to evolve and embrace transformation throughout the next few weeks.


Try not to put unreasonable expectations on yourself and others as the Capricorn moon squares off with Chiron and Jupiter, dear Scorpio, and avoid dishing out unsolicited advice. However, sweet exchanges, positive mantras, and encouraging sentiments can help you break through any funk that finds you, thanks to a helping hand from revolutionary Uranus. Allow the romantic that lives within to lead the way, taking special care to check in with your emotions as the sun, Mercury, and Neptune align overhead. A harmonious energy will permeate the air later this afternoon when Venus enters Taurus, setting you up for romance in the coming weeks.


The Capricorn moon aligns with Chiron, Jupiter, and Uranus this morning, dear Archer, reminding you that organization is an important piece when manifesting ideas and conjuring success. Staying on task and strategizing for your goals will also elevate your confidence, so be sure to tap into your responsible side. A sweetness will fill your heart and mind as Mercury cozies up to the sun and Neptune, though tension could arise within your love life if your partner feels worn down or neglected. Try not to let stubbornness get the better of you when Venus squares off with Pluto, and be sure to decompress once the planet of love makes her debut into Taurus.


Keep your chin up and spine tall this morning, dear Sea-Goat, as the moon aligns with Chiron, Jupiter, and Uranus. This cosmic climate could pull at your heartstrings a bit, but staying positive and tapping into your strength will help you prevail while building confidence. Your mind will come to life with inspired and creative ideas when Mercury cozies up to the sun and Neptune, though you'll need to stay organized if you hope to materialize such visions. Tension could manifest within your domestic life when Venus squares off with Pluto this afternoon, though the vibe will lighten once the planet of love makes its debut into grounded Taurus.

Your heart and mind may seem at odds this morning, dear Aquarius, as the Capricorn moon aligns with Chiron, Jupiter, and Uranus. Take special care to examine your habits and thought patterns, actively choosing to evolve your behaviors in an effort to nurture your highest self. A surreal and dreamy energy will coat the material realms when Mercury cozies up to the sun and Neptune, encouraging you to indulge your senses by embracing lovely sights, sounds, scents, and flavors. You'll sense a shift later in the afternoon when Venus migrates into Taurus, elevating your domestic life throughout the coming weeks.


Try to remember that value isn't contingent on how popular someone is, dear Pisces, as the Capricorn moon aligns when Chiron, Jupiter, and Uranus. This cosmic climate can help you overcome any feelings of insecurity you may struggle with socially, especially if you take a moment to talk yourself up. You'll feel like rubbing elbows when Mercury cozies up to the sun and Neptune midmorning, bringing eloquence to your thoughts and words. Romantic energy will flood your mind later in the day when Venus migrates into Taurus, asking you to find your gratitude while operating from a place of love during the next few weeks.


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