It's a wonderful world to live in however we have to know how to live and when we can take the right decision...your daily horoscope can help you through your knowledge of the planet's secrets that they like to tell you. All articles are sourced from astrology com

Edited by | Julia Graham
Variety new section - CJ editor
16, March 2023- New York


The energy may feel a bit restrictive when you awaken this morning, dear Aries, as the Capricorn moon squares off with Chiron and Jupiter. Luckily, Uranus will step in to shake away these funky vibes, encouraging you to move forward boldly yet methodically. You'll find yourself in a dreamy headspace by midmorning when Mercury cozies up to the sun and Neptune, helping you find inspiration on a deep level. Unfortunately, taking action toward your vision might not seem so simple due to a harsh connection to Mars, which could cause mental wires to cross if you move with haste.


Your mood will ebb and flow between extremely reserved and explosively outgoing this morning, dear Taurus, as the Capricorn moon connects with Chiron, Jupiter, and Uranus. Give yourself space between social interactions, but don't be afraid to connect deeply and authentically as you move through the morning. A sense of community will plant the seeds of kindness in your heart when Mercury cozies up to the sun and Neptune, marking the perfect occasion to perform a few random acts of kindness. A sweetness will surround you later in the day as Venus enters your sign, bringing an abundance of love your way in the coming weeks.


The vibe may feel a bit tense or edgy when you awaken this morning, dearest Gemini, as the Capricorn moon connects with Chiron, Jupiter, and Uranus. If you find that people are less tolerable than normal, don't feel guilty about throwing up boundaries and hiding away in your comfort zone. Luckily, the ambiance will soften by midmorning when the sun, Mercury, and Neptune come together in a triple alliance overhead, allowing you to reclaim your role as a social butterfly. Themes around self-love and releasing unhealthy baggage will come to fruition throughout the next several weeks as Venus makes her debut into Taurus.


Consider starting your day with positive affirmations and abundance mantras, dear Cancer, as the Capricorn moon squares off with Chiron and Jupiter. This cosmic climate could cause you to feel restricted or blocked, but believing there's a light at the end of the tunnel will allow you to charge forward, especially once Uranus becomes active overhead. Take a moment to touch base with your higher self when Mercury cozies up to the sun and Jupiter, bringing out the empowered mystic that lives within. Unfortunately, a harsh energy radiating off Mars could cause you to lose sight of what's really important, though meditation can help you reclaim clarity.


The Capricorn moon connects with Chiron, Jupiter, and Uranus this morning, dear Leo, asking you to get organized within your dreams if you hope to see breakthroughs. Opportunities to change your perspective and envision a brighter tomorrow will come into play by midmorning when the sun, Mercury, and Neptune align. However, pressure to follow or measure up to your peers could prevent you from executing transformative ideas. Check in with your to-do list this afternoon when Venus squares off with Pluto, or you could end up dropping the ball on important commitments. Luckily, you'll feel more grounded and in control once the planet of love enters Taurus.


The Capricorn moon will ask you to strut your stuff this morning, dear Virgo, though a harsh connection to Chiron and Jupiter could trigger jealousy within others. Luckily, a helping hand from Uranus will shield you from the glare of haters, as long as you keep doing you. Invest some time and energy into flirting and nurturing your romantic connections when Mercury cozies up to the sun and Neptune, bewitching your beloved with an excess of dreamy charisma. You'll sense an elevating shift later in the afternoon when Venus enters Taurus, strengthening your spirituality throughout the coming weeks.



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