It's a wonderful world to live in however we have to know how to live and when we can take the right decision...your daily horoscope can help you through your knowledge of the planet's secrets that they like to tell you. All articles are sourced from astrology com

edited by | Julia Graham
Variety new section - CJ editor
13, March 2023- New York


The Sagittarius moon blows a kiss to harmonious Venus in the very early hours this morning, dear Ram, breaking up any tension that may have found you yesterday evening. You'll awaken to a more grounded and composed ambiance as Luna migrates into Capricorn, asking you to prioritize your responsibilities and sense of refinement. A helping hand from Saturn can bring stability and structure to the depths of your psyche, offering you insight on how to gain more control of your situation and path moving forward. Good vibes will flow this evening when the Pisces sun cozies up to Neptune, encouraging you to embrace the lighter side of life.


A sparkle will linger behind your eyes today, dear Taurus, as the moon makes its debut into Capricorn and your solar ninth house. This luminary placement will allow you to see the beauty of our universe with more clarity, helping you harness your own magick and intuition. Meanwhile, a helping hand from Saturn will upgrade your popularity, so be sure to lead by example if you hope to have a positive impact on your community. Consider trying new things when the nodes of fate become active this afternoon, bringing your sweetie along for the ride if you're in a relationship.


You'll be in a serious yet fair-minded mood this morning, dear Gemini, as the moon enters Capricorn and your solar eighth house. These vibes are perfect for flexing your negotiation skills, especially where business and financial exchanges are concerned. You'll feel motivated to embrace transformation and wellness as the nodes of fate become active this afternoon, and it'll be important that you make healthy decisions for your mind, body, and soul. A dreamy energy will find you this evening when the Pisces sun cozies up to Neptune, triggering the professional visionary that lives within, so be sure to meditate on your ambitions.


You should wake up feeling refreshed and supported by the universe, dear Cancer, as the moon migrates into Capricorn and the sector of your chart that governs love. Lean into these sweet yet stabilizing vibes by connecting with your gratitude, taking a moment to fully appreciate your surroundings and the people that fill them. Meanwhile, a helping hand from Saturn will bring constructive enlightenment your way, marking the perfect excuse to meditate on your goals. Mystical vibes will flow into the evening as the Pisces sun cozies up to ethereal Neptune, asking you to temporarily remove yourself from everyday stressors.


The universe will bless you with some extra support early this morning, dear Leo, as the Sagittarius moon aligns with Venus. Take note of any profound dreams that occurred while you were asleep, as they may be coded with messages of encouragement from beyond. Your pragmatic side will snap back into focus as Luna migrates into Capricorn, pushing you to get in a good day's work. Luckily, your sense of organization and efficiency will be pronounced, especially as the nodes of fate become active this afternoon. Consider carving out some time for intimate conversations this evening when the sun cozies up to Neptune.


You'll have the power to bewitch the people you interact with this morning, dear Virgo, as the moon migrates into Capricorn and your solar fifth house. A helping hand from Saturn will accentuate these sentiments, blessing your aura with strength and grace that's hard to deny. Bend this cosmic climate to your advantage by dressing to impress and carrying yourself with a sense of strength and aesthetic sense as you push your agenda forward. Doors may suddenly open this afternoon when the nodes of fate become active overhead, especially if you use your voice and ask for what you want.



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