Each astrological birth chart is divided into 12 different sections known as houses. Each astrological house defines areas of your life to your horoscope or planetary transit refers to. All articles sourced from astrology.com

Edited by | Juls Mcmahon
Variety new section - CJ journalist
12 March 2023 - New York


Your heart and mind will conspire to help you find emotional and mental release this morning, dear Aries, as the Scorpio moon aligns with the Pisces sun. These vibes are perfect for confiding in a trusted companion, as doing so will bring healing while adding depth to the dynamic. A surreal yet peaceful energy will permeate the air later in the afternoon when Neptune becomes active overhead, marking the perfect excuse to hide away in a world of your own creation. This energy can also help you close chapters, so be sure to lean into any spiritual work or soul-searching that needs to occur.


It'll be easy to find adoration this morning, dear Taurus when the Scorpio moon blows a kiss to the Pisces sun. Consider engaging with your circle of friends, followers, and romantic interests, as socializing can help elevate your spirit. A lightness will manifest in your heart later this afternoon when Luna and Neptune align, allowing you to see the world from a more appreciative lens. Opportunities to bond on a soul level over personal philosophies and religious interests will manifest just before the witching hour when Pluto becomes active in the spiritual sector of your chart. This cosmic climate can also facilitate exceptional meditation sessions, helping you connect with the other side.


The stars will ask you to strategize a bit this morning, dear Gemini, as the Scorpio moon aligns with the Pisces sun. Fantasizing about a better tomorrow won't serve you right now unless you're willing to show the other side what you plan to do about it. Take small yet constructive steps toward manifesting your dreams later in the day when Neptune becomes active overhead, pushing you to pursue a more successful and elevated version of your already amazing self. Take into consideration any obstacles that may be holding you back when Luna aligns with Pluto just before midnight, making a vow to move beyond these limitations.


The Scorpio moon aligns with the Pisces sun this morning, dear Cancer, reminding you that spirituality and art don't have to be separate themes. Divine inspiration can help push your creative skills to new levels, bringing a meditative quality to your hobbies, crafts, and natural talents. Good vibes will continue to flow as Neptune becomes active in your solar ninth house, inviting you to temporarily escape reality to nurture your optimism and connection with the other side. Your love life will benefit from a sweet exchange between Luna and Pluto just before midnight, marking the perfect time to embrace and confide in someone special.


Consider investing in the sacredness of your space this morning, dear Leo, as the Scorpio moon aligns with the Pisces sun. These vibes are perfect for cleansing your home’s energy on a spiritual level, so be sure to play elevating music, light some candles, open windows, and burn your favorite incense blend. A dreamy ambiance will take hold later in the day when Neptune is active overhead, helping to soften any rough edges that have manifested within your heart recently. Allow the healing nature of this cosmic climate to take hold, releasing that which does not serve you.


The romantic within will emerge this morning, dear Virgo, as the Scorpio moon aligns with the Pisces sun. Lean into these sweet vibes by expressing your love for family, friends, and that special someone, taking a moment to truly appreciate these alliances. Good vibes will continue to flow as Luna aligns with Neptune, marking the perfect occasion for a date night with your significant other. If you're flying solo, use this energy to embrace bliss by elevating your self-care game. The urge to create could find you later tonight when Pluto becomes active, and working with an artistic outlet will bring harmony to your mind.


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