Each astrological birth chart is divided into 12 different sections known as houses. Each astrological house defines areas of your life to your horoscope or planetary transit refers to. All articles sourced from astrology.com

Edited by | Juls Mcmahon
Variety new section - CJ journalist
10 March 2023 - New York


Connecting with loved ones on a soul level will happen organically today, dearest Libra, thanks to a sweet exchange between Venus and Mars. Use this energy as an excuse to gather your nearest and dearest for brunch, celebrating these treasured friendships. Practical thinking can generate ingenious ideas this afternoon when Mercury aligns with Uranus, marking the perfect time to brainstorm on your goals and passion projects. Try not to let your stubborn side rock the boat within your relationships later tonight as Luna faces off with Uranus, threatening to bring forth mood swings, tension, and destabilizing conflict.


Releasing what no longer serves you will act as the ultimate wellness move this morning, dear Scorpio, as Venus and Mars align overhead. Whether you need to purge your closet, sever connections, or break bad habits, now is the time to prioritize your health and sense of personal empowerment. A flirty energy will bring excitement to the air this afternoon when Mercury aligns with Uranus, marking the perfect occasion to mix up the conversation with that special someone. However, you may want to check in with your own needs as Luna faces off with Uranus later tonight, or tension may spoil the sweetness of your day.


A playful and flirtatious energy will surround you this morning, dear Archer, so be sure to invest in nurturing your love life and most valued friendships. An enlightening alliance between Mercury and Uranus will bring breakthroughs to your heart this afternoon while also elevating the energy within your home. If you're behind on any chores, use this cosmic climate as motivation to tidy up and get back on track. Consider embracing solitude while touching base with your physical needs later tonight, or a harsh opposition between the Scorpio moon could cause you to feel a bit rough around the edges. Fortunately, Jupiter and Chiron will conspire to lift you back up.


Investing in the tidiness and aesthetic of your home will bring a deep sense of satisfaction, dear Capricorn, as Venus and Mars align in the sky. These vibes are also perfect for whipping up breakfast as a way to express love, so be sure to set the table for your nearest and dearest. The creative genius that lives within will become active this afternoon as Mercury aligns with Uranus, marking the perfect time to get artsy. Consider putting away your electronics later tonight when Luna faces off with Uranus, as the content you encounter could feel quite triggering.


Your mind will journey down some romantic and creative paths today, dear Aquarius, as Venus and Mars form a sweet alliance overhead. Lean into this energy by finding ways to enrich your mind, either through socialization or artistic hobbies. A buzz will manifest this afternoon when Mercury aligns with Uranus, bringing excitement to your home. These vibes could also bring financial blessings, especially when using your voice and wits. Good vibes will flow later tonight as Jupiter aligns with Chiron, pushing you to acknowledge your worth.


The stars will ask you to embrace luxury from the comfort of home this morning, dear Pisces, as Venus and Mars align overhead. Lean into these supportive vibes by moving slowly, stretching longer, and preparing a delicious breakfast. Exciting news may land on your ears or escape from your lips this afternoon when Mercury aligns with Uranus, marking the perfect excuse to spread those social butterfly wings. Keep your eyes peeled for signs and synchronicities later tonight when Luna faces off with Uranus, but try not to get too carried away with what your intuition is telling you.


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