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The idea of venturing out into society may seem like a drag this morning, dear Libra, and with an unbalanced aspect between Luna and Neptune-- you're probably better off laying low instead. Luckily, the vibe will improve later in the afternoon when Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, putting you in the mood to get organized. If you're expecting a busy work week, use this energy to meal prep, handle laundry, and map out your agenda for Monday through Friday. You'll sense a shift this evening when Luna makes her debut into Virgo, putting you in a private mood.


You may have a hard time saying "no" to family and friends this morning, dearest Scorpio, as the Leo moon forms an unbalanced aspect with Neptune. This cosmic climate could also inspire you to screen your calls, but don't feel guilty about putting your phone on silent. You'll feel more playful and in the mood to socialize later this afternoon when Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, which could also trigger important decisions around matters of the heart. Opportunities to carve out a name for yourself could come to fruition throughout the next two days once the moon makes its debut in Virgo.


You may have a hard time conveying your emotions this morning, dear Archer, as the Leo moon forms an unbalanced aspect with hazy Neptune. Rather than striving to be vulnerable within your relationships, lean into this energy by strengthening your connection with your higher self. You'll feel inspired to make changes within your home later in the afternoon once Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, pushing you to look toward the future and how it will impact your space. Watch your words this evening when Luna faces off with Saturn before migrating into Virgo, especially if your advice could be mistaken for criticism.


Mental blocks could prevent you from implementing change or transformation this morning, dear Capricorn, due to an unbalanced alignment between the Leo moon and Neptune. Try not to get hung up on small details right now, giving yourself permission to breathe while moving one step at a time. Luckily, you'll find the strength to charge forward later in the afternoon when Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, helping you see the path ahead more clearly. The vibe will shift this evening when the moon migrates into Virgo, elevating your mood as it activates the sector of your chart that governs spirituality.


Insecurities within your love life could rock your relationship this morning, dear Aquarius, as the Leo moon forms an unbalanced aspect to Neptune. Do your best to support yourself right now, but don't be afraid to show your sweetie some extra love if it seems like they're in need. Good vibes will flow later in the day when Luna aligns with the nodes of fate, helping you turn over a new leaf within your heart. This cosmic climate could also inspire you to invest in your space, marking the perfect excuse to hit your favorite home goods store.


You may feel a bit disorganized or under the weather this morning, dear Pisces, due to an unbalanced connection between the Leo moon and Neptune. Feel free to move at your own pace right now, even if doing so requires that you lounge in bed all morning. Luckily, you'll perk up later in the day when Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, acting as a breath of fresh air and motivation. These vibes are perfect for cracking a fresh book or learning something new, so be sure to invest in the enrichment of your mind. You'll sense a shift later tonight when Luna enters Virgo, activating the sector of your chart that governs love.


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