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Don't feel guilty about sleeping in this morning, dear Aries, as the Leo moon forms an unbalanced aspect with sleepy Neptune.

This cosmic climate will bring lofty laziness to the table, though you're probably overdue for a good rest anyway. You'll begin to perk up later in the afternoon when Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, helping you find inspiration from deep within, especially where your financial and relationship goals are concerned. Consider unplugging from your electronics when Luna faces off with Saturn this evening, threatening to trigger disagreements online. You'll sense a shift when the moon enters Virgo, putting you in a health-conscious headspace.


The vibe may feel a bit off within your home this morning, dear Taurus, as the Leo moon forms an unbalanced aspect with hazy Neptune. Try not to take it personally if your housemates seem disengaged, opting instead to focus on your own mood. Luckily, the energy will elevate later in the day when Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, putting you at the center of attention amongst your loved ones. These vibes are also perfect for sharing ideas and seeking advice as the universe nudges you toward the future you desire most. Embrace a creative outlet later tonight when the moon migrates into Virgo.


It may seem as though your family and friends are hard to get a hold of this morning, dear Gemini, as the Leo moon forms an unbalanced connection with Neptune. Try not to take it personally if others are screening their calls, as everyone will feel a bit out of sorts. Luckily, the vibe will lighten later in the day when Mercury connects with the nodes of fate, though your focus will shift toward internal goals and personal organization. Plan on spending your evening at home once the moon migrates into Virgo, bringing out your domestic side.


Try not to lose sight of your gratitude this morning, dearest Cancer, as the Leo moon forms an unbalanced aspect with hazy Neptune. This celestial exchange could also cause you to zone out a bit, making it important that you stay grounded in the present. Luckily, clarity will be restored later in the day when Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, encouraging you to get out and enjoy your community. You'll sense a shift this evening when the moon migrates into health-oriented Virgo, asking you to make smart decisions for your mind and body throughout the next two days.


Try not to let your investigative nature get the better of you this morning, dear Leo when the moon forms an unbalanced aspect with hazy Neptune. This cosmic climate could mess with your intuition, causing you to jump to conclusions that aren't rooted in reality. Luckily, you'll find your way to the truth later in the afternoon when Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, though you may need to ask for reassurance if you're struggling with uncertainty. Watch out for tension within your love life this evening when Luna faces off with Saturn, though you'll have a chance to kiss and make up once the moon enters practical Virgo.


Old habits will die hard this morning, dear Virgo, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. As the Leo moon forms an unbalanced aspect to hazy Neptune, take extra precautions not to fall back into romantic patterns that disappointed you historically. The vibe will elevate later in the day when Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, ushering in the spiritual support that can help you find clarity and a higher path forward. Good vibes will continue to flow once Luna makes her debut in your sign, amplifying your popularity throughout the next two days while asking you to prioritize personal goals.



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