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The moon continues its journey through Cancer today, aligning with the nodes of fate as you awaken, asking you to make smart financial decisions. You'll have an opportunity to make peace with any dark clouds that have been hovering over your head this evening, thanks to a sweet exchange between the sun and moon. Unfortunately, resolving such issues could feel a bit tense as Luna squares off with Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron. Rather than feeling concerned about your image or how others have treated you, use this energy as an opportunity to identify your own needs, putting them first in an effort to move forward.


Brilliant ideas may crawl into your mind this morning, dear Taurus, as the Cancer moon aligns with the nodes of fate. Take note of any ingenious thoughts that find you, as they could guide you toward a brighter tomorrow. You'll feel like socializing this evening when the sun and moon align, helping you connect with others easily. However, it'll also be important to find time for solitude and privacy as Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron join forces in your solar twelfth house. Plan on drawing a hot bath or meditating before bed in order to embrace the supportive energy at play.


You'll feel connected to the world around you this morning, dear Gemini, as the Cancer moon aligns with the nodes of fate. Make it a point to enjoy nature before starting the day, even if you only have a few moments available for fresh air and the sun on your face. Opportunities for financial gain could manifest this evening when the sun and moon align, so don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Meanwhile, Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron join forces in the sector of your chart that governs the community, though you should prioritize real-world interactions over online exchanges.


Old memories and friendships may cycle back to the surface this morning, dear Crab, as the moon shares sweet aspects with the nodes of fate. Lean into these vibes by reaching out to loved ones you've lost touch with, even if it's through a simple text. Good vibes will flow when the sun and moon align, bringing forth a sense of comfort when you tap into your spirituality. Unfortunately, a harsh connection between the moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron could get in the way of your faith, making it important that you disband any negativity preventing you from acknowledging the other side.


It's okay if you need to hide away to nurture yourself this morning, dearest Leo, as the Cancer moon aligns with the nodes of fate. These vibes will be healing and supportive, though solitude will be the best option for untangling your psyche. Opportunities to connect on a deep level will manifest as the sun and moon align this evening, helping you break through patterns that are no longer serving you or your closest relationships. Meanwhile, Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron join forces in the sector of your chart that governs spirituality, so be sure to show the other side some love.


Good deeds from the past could come back to bless you this morning, dear Virgo, thanks to a sweet exchange between the Cancer moon and nodes of fate. Keep these good vibes going by spreading joy as you move through the hours, performing random acts of kindness when the opportunity arises. Love will linger in the air this evening when the sun and moon align, and your dating apps will seem particularly active. However, you could become bored with surface-level interactions as the moon squares off with Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron, prompting you to search for real-world connections.



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