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When you wake up dear Libra, when you wake up there will be shocking destructive energy in the air and the Moon in Taurus is approaching rebellious Uranus. While this cosmic climate may give you the opportunity to permanently cut ties with unhealthy patterns or dynamics, you should exercise caution throughout the morning. Try not to get frustrated with creative blocks later in the day when Luna fights Mercury. Be on the lookout for power struggles or misunderstandings. Sweetness surrounds you tonight as the moon blows a kiss to Neptune, a perfect excuse to practice yoga, breathing exercises and deep stretches.


Sparks will flow through your heart this morning, dear Scorpio, as the Moon in Taurus aligns with revolutionary Uranus in the love sector of your chart. Rely on this inspirational energy to nurture your most treasured relationships, surprising family, friends, and that special someone with meaningful messages, gentle caresses, and perhaps breakfast in bed. Beware of the tension in your romantic life later in the day when the Moon battles Mercury, recognizing that you or your partner needs some alone time or extra attention. A light and playful atmosphere reigns this evening, creating the perfect occasion for a game night at home.


No lazy Saturday for you this weekend, dear Archer, as the Moon in Taurus approaches revolutionary Uranus. This cosmic climate is there to jump-start your plan for the day, especially if your to-do list includes organizing, completing projects, or engaging in healthy activities. Watch your words later in the day when Luna is arguing with Mercury and avoid unsolicited advice as it could be misinterpreted as a veiled criticism. Plan to spend an evening at home when Neptune becomes active in your solar fourth house, encouraging home-cooked food, cozy pajamas, and family happiness.

This morning's touches of genius will kiss your beautiful brain, dear Capricorn, thanks to the cosmic union between the Moon in Taurus and the revolutionary Uranus. Embrace the inspired playfulness of this cosmic climate by dedicating part of your day to passionate projects, hobbies, and creativity as you create exceptional work. The temptation to get into some retail therapy may come later in the day when the Moon battles the Mercury, though you should avoid shopping online from brands you're unfamiliar with as you might not get what you expect. As the day draws to a close, you will be in a good mood, setting the tone for light but meaningful social exchanges.

Dear Aquarius, there may be some pleasant surprises in your home or family life this morning as the Moon in Taurus approaches revolutionary Uranus. Rely on these vibrations to nurture the uniqueness that lives in you and others, fostering the confidence you need to be free and truly yourself. Keep an eye on your mood later in the day when the Moon fights Mercury, and be sure to take some alone time if you start acting rough or harsh with loved ones. Good vibes will flow later in the day as the Moon aligns with Neptune, inviting you to sprawl in the lap of luxury.


Your mind will take you to some really strange places this morning, dear Pisces, as the Moon aligns with revolutionary Uranus in Taurus. Immerse yourself in this space climate by journaling, socializing or researching new topics and finding healthy outlets for your beautiful brain. Unfortunately, anxiety, stress, or self-doubt can creep in later in the day when the Moon meets Mercury, though making time for solitude and meditation can help you breathe through any discomfort that comes your way. You will feel more uplifted this evening as Neptune becomes active, restoring your clarity and desire to connect with your loved ones.


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