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your daily Horoscope of 23 Feb.-2023 {p. 1}



The moon takes its final steps through your sign today, dearest Aries, giving you one last push before continuing its journey through the zodiac. Use this cosmic climate to pull the trigger on any projects that need kicking off, harnessing the fiery energy at play to propel yourself and your agenda forward. Just remember to check in with your needs while flurrying from task to task, prioritizing your happiness if stress begins to creep up. Stabilizing yet social energy will find you later tonight when Luna aligns with Saturn, marking the perfect occasion to lean on your friends for support and reassurance.


Remember to breathe and ground as you move through the day, darling Bull, or the Aries moon could leave you feeling a bit on edge. While this luminary placement is poised to bring out your cerebral side, staying present and leaning into your passions can help you navigate this cosmic terrain with enthusiasm and confidence. You'll be asked to reconnect with your goals and the responsibilities that go with them later tonight when Luna aligns with Saturn, marking the perfect occasion for working behind the scenes on these dreams and outlining the details for your next bold move.

You may feel as though you're being pulled in multiple directions today, dear Gemini, as the moon takes its final steps through Aries and the sector of your chart that governs the community. Whether you're running across town on errands, have a schedule filled with meetings, or plan on hitting the gym later, you can bet that you'll feel the buzz of society's hustle and bustle. Though these vibes can certainly help you feel alive and brimming with energy, try to carve out some time for meditation or spirituality later tonight when Luna blows a kiss to Saturn, unleashing the mystic within.


Though Friday remains a day away, the Aries moon will ask you to work overtime, getting your affairs in order before the weekend creeps in. That's right, sweet Crab, there won't be much time for socialization or play, as the stars push you to focus on success. Luckily, you'll have an opportunity to let your guard down later tonight when Luna blows a kiss to Saturn, reminding you that it's important to relax and unwind after an honest day's work. These vibes are also perfect for setting a boundary between yourself and the outside world in order to focus on your most valued relationships.


Give yourself permission to approach the world from a carefree disposition, dearest Lion, if only for one day. As the moon takes its final steps through fiery Aries and your solar ninth house, now is the time to unapologetically embrace your optimism and a belief that good things are around the corner. Your connection with the universe will be strong right now, helping you feel more at peace while putting you in a unique position to understand others. Allow the philosopher that lives within to guide you towards enlightenment as the stars align to broaden your understanding of the world.

You'll crave meaningful interactions today, dear Virgo, as the moon takes its final steps through Aries and your solar eighth house. The power of this luminary placement can be harnessed to add depth to your connections, though you may need to showcase vulnerability in order to inspire it within others. The people around you will follow your lead emotionally, giving you the power to facilitate important or profound exchanges. However, you'll want to take a step back from your social life in order to focus on your responsibilities and tasks, as Luna and Saturn join forces to highlight your priorities.



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