Discover with us the important lines of your day forecasting, castle journal associated with astrology com introduce your daily Horoscope of 22 Feb.-2023 {p. 1}


A warm and supportive energy will upgrade your aura as you sleep, dear Aries, thanks to a sweet alliance between the moon and Venus. Good vibes will continue to flow when Mercury blows a kiss to Mars this afternoon, putting you in a social and passionate mood. A burst of luck will find you later in the day as Luna cozies up to auspicious Jupiter, so be sure to take bold and decisive action toward your goals. Plan on doing something special for yourself before the day comes to a close.

The stars will align to support your healing process in the very early hours this morning, dear Taurus, thanks to a cosmic alliance between the Aries moon and Venus. Take a moment to tap into your heart when you awaken, choosing to show yourself love and compassion before beginning the day. Look for opportunities to share ideas and take initiative within your career this afternoon, as Mercury blows a kiss to Mars, helping you pave new ground professionally. You'll feel at peace later in the day when Luna cozies up to Jupiter, bringing joy and optimism to your psyche.

You'll awaken with a sense of love and compassion for your community, dear Gemini, thanks to a celestial union between the Aries moon and Venus early this morning. Be sure to carry these sentiments into your day, greeting those you encounter with grace and kindness. Keep your eyes peeled for signs and synchronicities as the afternoon rolls around and Mercury aligns with Mars, opening you up to messages from beyond the veil. You may be asked to step into a leadership role later in the day when Luna cozies up to Jupiter, elevating your popularity while bringing extra shine to your presence.

The vibe may feel a bit off when you awaken this morning, dearest Cancer, causing you to feel torn between your responsibilities and a desire to create. Though it's certainly important that you stay focused at work, doodling on post-it notes and documenting artistic ideas can help hold you over until you have more free time to play with. Luckily, cosmic reinforcement will help you shake off this funk as afternoon manifests, thanks to a sweet exchange between Mercury and Mars. Your star will rise later in the day when Luna cozies up to Jupiter, helping you make strong impressions wherever you go.


The universe will bless you in the very early hours this morning, dear Leo, thanks to a cosmic alliance between the Aries moon and Venus. Take a moment to meditate on your hopes and dreams when you awaken, harnessing these supportive vibes with positive mantras and visualizations. Your popularity will see a spike as the afternoon rolls around and Mercury blows a kiss to Mars, which could also bring forth a few new admirers. Pay attention to who reaches out during this time, as it could help you sniff out potential mates. The stars will align in your favor later in the day when Luna cozies up to Jupiter, so be sure to let the other side know what you desire.


Emotional release may find you as you traverse the dream realms this morning, dear Virgo, thanks to a sweet alliance between the Aries moon and Venus. Take a moment to connect with and open your heart once you've awakened, allowing yourself to feel renewed and excited for the day. Good vibes will flow as the afternoon rolls around and Mercury blows a kiss to Mars, motivating you with a sense of optimism that's perfect for boldly pursuing your goals. Your social circle is poised to expand later in the day when Luna connects with Jupiter, though you may need to put yourself out there to make new friends.




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