edited by|Juls Mcmahon
variety section- CJ journalist


You'll feel inspired and thoughtful as Venus and Pluto align this morning, dear Scorpio, pushing you to express yourself verbally or creatively. However, your focus will shift to domestic affairs when the Aquarius moon aligns with Saturn this evening, pushing you to bring order to your home. You'll begin to feel more playful later tonight when Luna enters Pisces, gearing up for tonight's new moon, which is poised to trigger your artistic and fun-loving nature. Good vibes will flow just before the witching hour when Venus enters Aries, motivating you to focus on health and wellness throughout the coming weeks.


Your home will feel like a sanctuary this morning, dear Archer, as Venus and Pluto align in the sky. Give yourself permission to wear your PJs a little longer than you normally would, embracing the luxurious and cozy nature of this cosmic climate. You'll be asked to articulate your boundaries while accessing personal authority when the Aquarius moon cozies up to Saturn this evening, so don't be afraid to use your voice. You'll sense a shift as the new moon manifests later tonight, marking the perfect occasion to set intentions around your domestic goals. Meanwhile, Venus migrates into Aries just before midnight, elevating your confidence and creative eye.


A sweetness will pepper your social exchanges this morning, dear Capricorn, thanks to a supportive exchange between Venus and Pluto. These vibes are also ideal for letting your guard down with someone special, marking the perfect morning for pillow talk and flirting. Check-in with your finances this evening as Luna aligns with Saturn, creating a responsible budget for the week ahead. The full moon in Pisces manifests later this evening, asking you to set intellectual and social goals for the next six months. Your home will fill with warmth just before the witching hour when Venus enters Aries and the sector of your chart that governs domestic bliss.


You'd benefit from a lazy morning with plenty of sleeping in today, dear Aquarius, as Venus and Pluto align in the sky. This celestial exchange will be restorative, encouraging you to move slowly at your leisure. Check-in with your responsibilities this evening when Luna aligns with Saturn, asking you to prioritize tasks that will bring you closer to your goals. A grounding yet sensitive energy will permeate the air when the moon enters Pisces later tonight, gearing up for the new moon. Use the energy of this lunation to set intentions around your financial situation, looking for ways to build wealth throughout the next six months.


Your popularity and social influence will benefit from a cosmic boost this morning, dear Fish, as Venus and Pluto align in the sky. These vibes are also perfect for cutting ties with any triggering accounts you still follow, so don't feel guilty about purging your feeds. Plan on setting boundaries and embracing solitude when the Aquarius moon aligns with Saturn this evening, putting you in a private mood. You'll feel more elevated and social when Luna enters your sign, gearing up for the full moon later tonight. Good vibes will continue to flow just before the witching hour when Venus enters Aries, elevating your finances throughout the coming weeks.



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