Empower yourself by setting boundaries and devoting your morning to self-care, dear Aries, as harmonious Venus aligns with transformative Pluto. These vibes are perfect for melting away your cares as the universe aligns to cleanse your aura and relieve stress. Consider arranging plans to gather within your circle of friends this evening when the Aquarius moon aligns with Saturn, asking you to take charge socially. You'll feel a shift this evening when Luna migrates into Pisces, gearing up for tonight's new moon. Good vibes will flow just before the witching hour when Venus makes her debut into your sign, bringing sweetness to the air.


Take a moment to connect with fellow kindred spirits this morning, dear Taurus, when Venus and Pluto align in the sky. These vibes are especially supportive when it comes to embracing a spiritual community, marking the perfect morning for a meditation circle or field trip to your favorite occult shop. A serious yet innovative energy will find you this evening when the Aquarius moon connects with Saturn, pushing you to review your professional goals and path toward success. The Pisces new moon later tonight will bring out your social side, helping you switch gears to reconnect with family and friends. Meanwhile, Venus enters Aries just before midnight, asking you to nurture your psyche throughout the next several weeks.


You may have second thoughts about your career path when Venus and Pluto align this morning, dear Gemini, marking the perfect occasion to explore your options. The stars will ask you to bring structure to your spirituality this evening when the Aquarius moon aligns with Saturn, so be sure to light a few candles while honoring the other side. Mystical vibes will continue to flow later tonight when the Pisces new moon graces our skies, pushing you to set professional intentions for the next six months. You'll notice a shift just before midnight when Venus enters Aries, elevating your social sphere within the coming weeks.


Spend some extra time cuddling up with your sweetie this morning, dear Cancer, as Venus and Pluto join forces in the sky. These vibes are also perfect for spiritual work and self-care, as the stars align to elevate your aura while filling your heart with love. You'll need to get serious about your path toward transformation when Luna aligns with Saturn this evening, reminding you that personal evolution never stops. Good vibes will flow this evening when the moon enters Pisces and the spiritual sector of your chart, gearing up for tonight's new moon, which will act as one of the luckiest and most sacred nights of the year for you.


The idea of cutting ties with unhealthy habits won't seem so scary this morning, dear Leo, thanks to a supportive alliance between Venus and Pluto. These vibes are about putting your wellness first, marking the perfect occasion to show your body some extra TLC. You should feel respected in your romantic entanglements this evening when the moon cozies up to Saturn. However, this energy can also help you stand your ground while moving away from partners who do not value your independent spirit. The Pisces new moon graces our skies later tonight, bringing transformative energy to the table.


You'll have an opportunity to peel back layers within your closest friendships and romantic entanglements this morning, dear Virgo, as Venus and Pluto align in the sky. This playful and sweet energy will allow you to bond deeply, so don't be afraid to let loose with the people you love. Take a moment to get organized for the week ahead when the moon cozies up to Saturn, bringing responsible energy to the table. Good vibes will flow under the Pisces new moon later tonight, poised to bring luck your way within matters of the heart.


Consider starting your day with a healthy breakfast and a cleaning session at home, dear Libra, as Venus and Pluto align in the skies. Luckily, you'll be asked to focus on fun and creativity this evening when Luna cozies up to Saturn, asking you to bring structure to your passion projects and friendships. You'll sense a shift when the moon enters sensitive Pisces, inspiring you to prioritize wellness, especially when the new moon manifests later tonight. Meanwhile, Venus creeps into Aries just as the witching hours are near, marking an era of sweetness, love, and romance throughout the next several weeks.




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