How to make your appearance look younger than your age?

It is possible that a person will appear younger than his real age, with great vitality and activity, if he follows a preventive health regime in life, in terms of food, sports and

psychological state.


edited by |Jus Mcmahon


Health  section -  CJ journalist


World - October,25,2023


And the "secret" lies in the correct nutrition

* A healthy diet protects against diseases by reducing inflammation and cell damage, as it increases the body's Self-Defense Force (immunity), thereby accelerating self-

healing by countering viruses and bacteria.

  • This system also protects human DNA, which is damaged over time in the event of contamination of food, water and air.

* Healthy food repairs and regenerates damaged and aging stem cells.

Some examples of the food needed to achieve each of the above points are:

* Stimulating immunity is by eating foods such as olive oil, broccoli, Chili Peppers, zinc found in meat and fish.

* Repair and regeneration of stem cells by eating fish, fish oil, Dark Chocolate, Mango, olive oil.

* Stimulate DNA to repair itself, by eating spinach, carrots, oranges, raspberries, broccoli, red peppers, lentils, eggs, sardines and flaxseed.

  • All of the above is required by a healthy digestive system, to be able to extract useful elements from food. To improve the functioning of the digestive system, it is
  • necessary to protect the beneficial bacteria in it, by eating yogurt, curd, Kiwi, fiber-rich beans and all fermented foods, while staying away from refined sugars and
  • processed foods with preservatives.

Healthy food alone is not enough, in order for a person to protect himself from the evil of excess and obesity, and to maintain a young, lively, graceful appearance, other

things are also necessary for him, namely :

* Exercise regularly.

* Get rid of stress.

* Get enough sleep at least 6 hours a day continuously.


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