Moringa is a drought-resistant tree native to India, but it also thrives in subtropical regions around the world. It is called by some common names such as radish tree, miracle tree.


Edited by| Paul Mitchel


 Health  section -  CJ journalist


World – August,10,2023


Some even say that it is a medical marvel due to many traditional medical applications.. And in the following lines we will get acquainted more closely with the benefits of moringa.

Before we learn about the benefits of moringa tea, we should first define what is moringa tea that many may be unaware of

Moringa tea is made from the leaves of the moringa plant. The moringa tree is known by many common names including the"miracle tree". Known as the" wonder tree", it is also called the" oil coffee " tree because it produces benzoyl. Another common name for the tree is "radish tree" because the taste of the roots is similar to the rhizome - a stalk that grows horizontally underground, the plant uses it to spread and form new plants that release roots and a market at the stem nodes.

And Moring tea has a huge range of benefits, which boil down to the following:

Combating malnutrition

The moringa tree in Asia and Africa is called the "tree of life" or the "tree of miracles". That's because the nutritional content and the toughness of the drought-resistant tree make it a great candidate as a staple food in the poorest regions. The plant can be used to feed livestock and can even be used to purify water in certain cases.

Full of antioxidants

One of the benefits of moringa leaves is that they are full of antioxidants that have been shown to offer a range of health benefits. Antioxidants help eliminate free radicals in the body and prevent the onset of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has been linked to serious illnesses from heart disease to Alzheimer's disease and certain types of cancer.

Prevents arsenic toxicity

In many poor countries, arsenic is a major problem when it comes to water supply. The chemical may also leach into groundwater and contaminate food crops. T

Symptoms of arsenic poisoning are vomiting, abdominal pain, watery or bloody diarrhea. Acute arsenic poisoning can be fatal by causing complete organ failure.

The benefits of Moringa for nerves

It has been scientifically proven that various types of neurological disorders have shown very good responses when treated with moringa leaves. One of the benefits of moringa herb is that it supports brain health and works as nerve boosters. In addition, high concentration levels of vitamins E and C treat neurodegeneration and help improve brain function. People who suffer from migraines or suffer from frequent headaches are recommended to eat moringa leaves periodically.

The benefits of Moringa for the liver

Research studies have shown that moringa seeds can provide strong protection for the liver from deterioration and fibrosis, and they also help the liver to perform its functions effectively, because they contain some active substances for this task. On top of that, these seeds contain anti-bacterial and anti-fungal compounds as well.

The benefits of Moringa for slimming

One of the benefits of the moringa tree is that the moringa powder itself can be exploited to brew a cup of tea early in the morning, as this powder actually helps to lose weight significantly. Not only that, but Moringa powder contributes to controlling diabetes levels in people with diabetes, as well as treating high blood pressure and asthma symptoms. In addition, moringa breaks down the fat in the body, which makes the process of losing weight easy.

Moringa has anti-cancer properties, as well as contributes to the following:

The benefits of Moringa for the eyes

Moringa herb contains compounds called isothiocyanates and niaziminin, which contribute to preventing the thickening of the arteries, which can cause high blood pressure. One of the very important benefits of moringa is that it has the properties of improving visual acuity thanks to its high levels of antioxidants. Moringa may have the ability to stop the expansion of retinal vessels, prevent the thickening of the capillary membranes, thereby preventing retinal dysfunction.

Benefits of Moringa for the thyroid gland

Moringa has the ability to regulate the production of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, and also has the ability to stimulate a good "metabolism" metabolism, reduce stress levels, and increase sweat secretion. In addition, moringa regulates the rapid and irregular heartbeat that results from an overactive thyroid gland.

The magic herb moringa-source: Shutterstock

The benefits of moringa on an empty stomach

Scientific studies have proven many health benefits of drinking moringa on an empty stomach, which are represented by.

Raise energy levels in the body, lose weight, reduce water retention in the body, cleanse the intestines, get rid of toxins in the body, relieve joint pain reduce the risk of asthma attacks, revitalize the body, reduce the incidence of osteoporosis, help lose weight.

The benefits of Moringa for sleep

According to" naomedica " there are some medical studies that advised taking Moringa in the treatment of insomnia and getting a restful sleep that has many benefits that improve sleep quality due to the fact that it contains many effective compounds that have several benefits:

  1. Circadian rhythm regulation: moringa helps regulate the body's internal clock, promoting a consistent sleep-wake cycle.
  2. Reduces stress and anxiety: moringa contains many antioxidants which have calming properties that can help reduce stress and anxiety, leading to better sleep.
  3. Improve relaxation: moringa contains natural compounds that promote relaxation before bed giving you a better sleep.
  4. Improves sleep duration and quality: eating moringa regularly can improve the duration and quality of your sleep, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and renewed.

The benefits of Moringa for the colon

The benefits of Moringa for the stomach and colon are numerous, among them:

Stimulation of intestinal functions thanks to its antibacterial and bactericidal properties.

Reduce ulcerative colitis, thanks to the content of vitamin “B”, which has the ability to treat infections.

Make easy stool movement in the intestines, and then reduce the susceptibility to acute constipation.

Improve the quality of digestion, and then prevent indigestion.

Relieve pain that may result from irritable bowel syndrome.


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