In response to what Senator Russian Doctor Vladimir Krugli has said today, Omicron has already emerged in Russia. Russian expert Kamel Khavezov, head of the Scientific Group for the Development of New Diagnostic Methods Based on Sequencing Techniques at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of the Russian Federal Authority for the

Protection of Consumer Rights, denied that any injuries to a mutant had been detected. The new Omicron of the Corona virus in Russia, as he told reporters, today: The Omicron strain has not been discovered in Russia until today.

"However, intensive work is being done to follow up and monitor the sequence of genomes of the corona virus, even from infected people who have recently visited foreign States," he added.

Krugli said that Russian tourists returning from Egypt might be its source.

Krugli also proposed suspending air traffic with Egypt until the new mutant was studied, and establishing a medical surveillance system for arrivals.

Last Friday, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the inclusion of the new corona virus mutant detected in South Africa and other States in the list of "variables of concern."

The organization classifies corona virus strains as variables of concern when they are more transportable, more virulent or have greater ability to overcome public health measures, including vaccines and treatments

Scientists fear that the increase in omicron infections in some countries means that the new mutant has more ability to escape immunity than other variables.


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