According to the latest local news, Japan Bank said a survey of 40 % of the Japanese companies asked the central bank to scale down the Monetary easing.

Edited by | Paul Mitchel
ECONOMIC Section - CJ journalist
5, March 2023 -TOKYO

    The survey launched by research firm Teikoku Databank was run on 1,000 valid clients, 39.6 % called for a low scaling of the massive monetary easing                program, while 36.4 % in the survey the clients said the Japanese central bank should stick to its current policy designed to keep interest rates at low levels to support the economy, Kyodo News reported.

local media reported on Sunday citing a recent survey said that
40 % of Japanese companies want the Bank of Japan (BOJ) to scale down its ultra-loose monetary policy over the next year

"While many think it is desirable for the BOJ to revise its strategy of unprecedented monetary easing, they are concerned about the risks posed by a sudden policy change and called for a gradual shift," the Tokyo-based research firm said in the survey.

The Japanese central bank keeps short-term and long-term rates at ultra-low levels through its massive bond-buying program, putting it at odds with major central banks shifting toward tighter monetary policy.

While the BOJ's dovish policy helps to bolster the economy, analysts have pointed out side effects, including excessive depreciation of the yen and distortion of the bond market, Kyodo News said. ■


TAGS| Teikoku Databank - Central Bank of Japan


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