Earlier, Moscow decided to suspend its participation in the grain deal signed last July, commenting on the Ukrainian attack on the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

The Joint Coordination Center announced that Russia has been notified that despite the suspension of participation in the "Black Sea grain" initiative, it will continue the dialogue with Turkey and the UN on topical issues of the deal.

Reuters quoted a UN spokesman as saying that"the first ship was allowed to continue moving, after the resumption of inspections under the Black Sea grain agreement.",

On Monday, Ukraine, Turkey and the United Nations agreed on a plan for the movement of ships in the Black Sea as part of the Black Sea grain initiative, the Joint Coordination Center reported on this matter.

The Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine said that 12 ships left Ukrainian ports on Monday, as part of the"grain deal".

The ministry said in a message on the social network Facebook , 12 ships carrying 354.2 thousand tons of agricultural products for the countries of Africa, Asia and Europe left the ports of Odessa, Chernomorsky and Yuzhny.

A multilateral agreement on lifting restrictions on the supply of Russian products and assisting Russia in exporting Ukrainian grain was signed in Istanbul on July 22.

Ukraine, Turkey and the United Nations agreed on the passage of 14 ships in the Black Sea on Monday, within the framework of the Black Sea initiative for the transport of grain, known as the grain deal.

The Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday, October 29, that the ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, which were attacked by Ukrainian drones, are involved in ensuring the security of the "grain corridor".


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