Edited by|Paul Mitchel

Vatican city


      The Vatican announced on Saturday morning the death of the resigned German Pope Benedict XVI, whose abdication surprised the whole world in 2013, at the age of 95. Since his resignation,

Benedict has been staying in a former monastery in the Vatican gardens with his personal secretary, Archbishop Georg janswein, a few of his assistants and other medical staff.

Vatican media director Matteo Bruni published a statement announcing the death of the resigned German Pope Benedict XVI.

Bruni said in a statement: "I regret to announce that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed away today at 9.34 pm in a Vatican monastery. More information will be announced as soon as possible".

Pope Benedict XVI's health has been fragile for years. It has deteriorated in recent days, but the Vatican announced Friday that his condition was "stable" and that he participated in a mass from his room on Thursday.

Pope Benedict, whose name is Joseph Ratzinger, moved from the Papal Palace to a former monastery inside the Vatican gardens when he retired.

Pope Francis announced on Wednesday that his predecessor was "seriously ill" and that he was praying for him.

A Vatican source also told Agence France-Presse on Wednesday that the pope emeritus's health "deteriorated about three days ago. His vital functions are fading, including his heart".

After eight years of a papacy that has seen multiple crises, this German theologian was haunted at the beginning of 2022 by the scandal of pedophilia by clergy.

Accused in a press report in Germany of mismanaging sexual violence when he was archbishop of Munich, he broke his silence to ask for "forgiveness" but stressed that he had never covered up child abuse.

He stressed in a book published in 2016 that his retirement was a personal decision that he attributed to the decline in his abilities, and not because of scandals.

With his unprecedented initiative 700 years ago, the retiring Pope paved the way for his successors to follow his example when their powers recede.

During his pontificate, the former Pope adopted a conservative approach on several issues, especially abortion, homosexuality and euthanasia.

His statements have repeatedly sparked controversy, especially about Islam and the use of condoms to protect against HIV, as well as the cancellation in 2009 of the decree excommunicating four bishops issued by Pope John Paul II.

In 2012, his personal assistant leaked secret documents to the Vatican in what was dubbed the "Vatileaks", the documents showed corruption in the administration of the Holy See and its financial affairs.


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