Artificial intelligence is the talk of the world, especially chat applications that are able to respond to you. But isn't that a big risk?'


Dr. Mohamed Askar


Culture  section -  CJ journalist


World – July,9,2023


Chatting with artificial intelligence applications is currently the trend in the world of technology and technology, especially when it comes to the upgraded version of “chat GBT - 4”, which was launched in mid-March, which provides new features that far exceed the previous version. Although the great development in artificial intelligence is currently attracting attention because of its superior features and capabilities, especially its ability to provide answers with high rates of accuracy, as well as its ability to perform a number of human tasks in many professions, including writing, translation, accounting, information gathering, financial analysis, etc., on the other hand, it raises great fears that threaten many people not only with losing their jobs but various aspects of their daily lives.

Over the past decades, the dangers that many have been warning about have been the population explosion, environmental pollution and lack of Natural Resources. Today, with the enormous technological development in various fields and with the multiplicity of its applications, the matter has turned to other dangers that represent an existential threat; robots whose intelligence will reach a degree that allows them to surpass humans, especially with the unlimited capabilities of artificial intelligence, or destructive computer viruses that may stop the internet from working. Artificial intelligence is the new fashion that is being talked about now in all fields, in smart phones, in home appliances, in televisions, in weapons, and also in smart cars, which are supposed to spread soon in the cities of the world. The real concern, according to some experts, is that by 2075, machines with special capabilities will reach levels of intelligence much higher than the human level, enabling them to make decisions autonomously, without returning to any human reference

Therefore, it should be warned that this accelerated development at such a pace and excessive development of artificial intelligence technology programs without real controls or protection systems will negatively affect the human race and will lead at some point to serious damage in several sensitive aspects of his life. The ability of technical devices to make thousands of complex decisions per second can be used either for the benefit or harm of people, depending on the person designing the system

It was interesting that there were many names interested in technological development, as Elon Musk calls for a six-month pause in the development of systems more powerful than the chatbot (chatg.P.T-4) which was launched by Opena.AI recently, referring to the potential risks of such applications to society. At the same time, many experts in the field have called for a temporary halt to the processes of developing artificial intelligence programs until the adoption of protection systems that allow organizing these processes, monitoring them, analyzing the information received to them, as well as addressing the disruptions that may result from their use

Here, although we are aware of the importance of technological development, we are at the same time wondering about the feasibility of developing “non-human minds that may outnumber us and eventually surpass US and replace us? “ And about the danger of risking losing control over human civilization.

Should we allow machines to do this?

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