Nourth America

US Defense Secretary has halted all new army contracts

Pete Hegset said that the decision won't affect the signed contracts US Defense Secretary Pete Hegset has halted all new army contracts and requests for...

Trump invited the Israeli’s PM as his first guest to the white house.

In a statement to the white house said Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu will be the first foreign leader to be invited to...

House passes immigrant detention bill that will be the first law Trump’s sign

WASHINGTON — The House on Wednesday gave final approval to a bill that requires the detainment of unauthorized migrants accused of theft and violent...

Los Angeles fires … The search for the missing continues

At least 24 people have been reported missing in two large forest fires in Los Angeles County, California, and Deputy Police Chiefs are searching...

Los Angeles fires … Satellites reveal surprise at the scale of the disaster

The United States of America is experiencing one of the largest crises and natural disasters, as several areas were hit by fires due to...


