
In the context of the submarine crisis between France and Australia, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, considered the way in which France was dealt with on the submarine deal with Australia under the US-Australian-British Security Partnership, "unacceptable."

Edit: Ahmed Al-Kumy

After the announcement by the United States, Britain and Australia that the Security and Defence Partnership for the Security of the Pacific and Indian Oceans (PAICUS) had been established, it was met with negative actions by several parties that did not abate the new coalition.

In a deal that angered France and China, the US revealed why it had concluded a nuclear submarine deal with Australia.

Pulling out of Afghanistan was a big mistake, said Donald Trump's former national security adviser, John Bolton.

Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al - Sisi, today, received the Commander - in - Chief of the Libyan Army, Al - Mashir Khalifa Haftar, and President of the Libyan Parliament, Amiah Saleh.


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